Abu Dhabi Osteopathy

What is Osteopathy


Osteopathy is best known for the diagnosis and treatment of back and neck pain, however, it is able to help you with a whole host of conditions.

It is a safe effective treatment for all age groups, making it suitable for both adults and children.

Osteopaths are experts in the treatment and management of musculoskeletal pain (pain from the muscles, bones, and joints) and seek to treat the underlying cause as well as the symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Ultimately, it is the goal of the osteopath to get you out of pain and guide you back to optimum health so that you can continue to function as normal in your daily life.

Treatment may vary, depending on the signs and symptoms, though it may include joint manipulation, medical acupuncture, muscle stretching, deep tissue massage, postural assessment, lymphatic drainage, exercise prescription and dietary assessment.

Treatment Methods

craniosacral, physical therapy, wellness-7012994.jpg

Crainial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle form of treatment, also referred to as Bio-dynamic Cranial Osteopathy that looks at the whole as a whole and recognizes the inter related nature of all the systems within the body.

Structural Osteopathy

Structural osteopathy usually focuses on stretching muscles and mobilizing your joints. Osteopaths may also adjust your joints using manipulative techniques.


Dry needling treats muscle tissue, and it's goal is to reduce pain, inactivate trigger points and restore function. It is often part of a broader physical therapy approach incorporating traditional osteopathy and physical therapy.

Osteopathy Can Help With